Preliminary Research of the Influence of the Frequency in ESWL to Renal Damage and Efficiency; The Analysis of Extracorporeal Shock-wave Lithotripsy of Ureteric Stones and the Establishment of Predictive Model ESWL中冲击波频率对肾脏损伤及碎石效果的影响输尿管结石ESWL疗效分析及预测模型的建立
The Study of Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocytes Transfected with TRAIL and Interleukin-2 Gene in Renal Cell Carcinoma; Effect of ultrasound combined with contrast agent on efficiency of VEGF gene transferring into fibroblasts in vitro TRAIL联合IL-2转染肾癌TIL的研究超声联合超声造影剂对VEGF基因体外转染成纤维细胞转染率的影响
[ Conclusions] Mini-PCNL is a good and safe option for renal complicated stone treatment. With the technical improvements and ESWL, it will further the operation efficiency and stone-free rate. 结论采用微穿刺PCNL治疗肾脏复杂性结石,具有创伤小、安全、并发症少、恢复快等优点,操作熟练、技术改进以及辅助ESWL可以大大提高手术清除结石效率,减少残留结石。
Sanqi Oral Liquid can improve clinical symptoms in patients with chronic renal failure points, improve clinical efficiency. 2. 结论1.三芪口服液能改善慢性肾衰患者中医症状积分,提高临床治疗有效率。